A priesthood holder can give a healing blessing, which requires two worthy priesthood holders and consecrated oil.
A worthy priesthood holder can give what is sometimes called a comfort blessing. This involves only one worthy man. And oft times is a husband or father to the person receiving the blessing. And thus at times this blessing is called a father's blessing.
Some families have a tradition of giving a father's blessing at the start of every school year or other traditional times that can bring stress and worry into our lives, such as before a wedding, heading to college or going on a mission.
Growing up I received blessings from my father at times when I really needed them. I am so grateful for this chance that we have for us to receive direction from Heavenly Father through our father (or other close priesthood holder). But we did not have a regular set tradition of receiving them as I grew up.
So as a parent now, I forget to offer that to our children. To remind them that they have access to our Heavenly Father's great wisdom and love. I actually do not remember the boys receiving this type of blessing, although I think the older ones may have once or twice. So I wasn't even sure they knew what this type of blessing was and that they could ask for it.
For some reason while I was in Michigan in April I felt very strongly that our boys needed a father's blessing. Well it took until the first weekend of May for me to finally have everything align where we had the time to do it, I remembered about it and Brent was here to do it.
While we do have a lot going on at the moment (possible job change requiring a move across the country, making over our house, adding in new activities as our kids are maturing and just a general business), none of it is particularly stressful over all. The kids all seem ok, they are acting normal, well as normal as any kid ever is. So it seemed a bit odd to me that I would have such a strong feeling. But I did and I was determined to follow up on it. I feel so at peace that I followed that prompting.
Brent was able to give a blessing to each of the four older boys and to me. He was leaving town for several days and that was part of why I wanted it done, just in case. Not that I thought something would actually happen. But because I knew that if something did happen and I hadn't followed up on this prompting and he died without doing it, I would have a very, very hard time forgiving myself for not getting this done.
The blessings were so reassuring, at least to me....I haven't asked the boys what they felt/thought. Next time I hope I remember to write down the blessing or the gist of it at the point it's happening. As most of what I remember at this point of their blessings is just a feeling of peace and how "right" their blessings were for them.
The blessing addressed their strengths and in one case for sure, a worry about moving, and were just what they needed. In my humble opinion.
My blessing was along the same thing. Just a beautiful reassurance that we're headed in the right direction with our efforts to purge/downsize the house and fix it up and other general things about raising the boys. And interestingly enough a comment about selling our property and that it would sell with out any major issues.
Now I have had concerns about things with this property. One is, did we make the right decision to sell it? Another concern is whether some of the things we did, that are off the beaten path, are going to come back and bite us, such as the compost toilets? However, I have not spent much time/energy on these concerns. Just the occasional thought here and there. The occasional conversation with others. But I did not FEEL stressed over this.
So the reassurance on these was wonderful, but this wasn't what was on my mind when I sat down to receive the blessing!
For me it was a major affirmation once again, that Heavenly Father knows us each individually and knows what we need, even when we aren't aware of that need ourselves.
"In a priesthood blessing a servant of the Lord exercises the priesthood, as moved upon by the Holy Ghost, to call upon the powers of heaven for the benefit of the person being blessed. Such blessings are conferred by holders of the Melchizedek Priesthood, which has the keys of all the spiritual blessings of the Church (see D&C 107:18, 67).
There are many kinds of priesthood blessings. As I give various examples, please remember that priesthood blessings are available for all who need them, but they are only given on request.
Blessings for the healing of the sick are preceded by anointing with oil, as the scriptures direct (see James 5:14–15; Mark 6:13; D&C 24:13–14; D&C 42:43–48; D&C 66:9). Patriarchal blessings are conferred by an ordained patriarch.
Persons desiring guidance in an important decision can receive a priesthood blessing. Persons who need extra spiritual power to overcome a personal challenge can receive a blessing. Expectant mothers can be blessed before they give birth. Many LDS families remember a sacred occasion where a worthy father gave a priesthood blessing to a son or daughter who was about to be married. Priesthood blessings are often requested from fathers before children leave home for other purposes, such as school, service in the military, or a long trip. "
Dallin H. Oaks, “Priesthood Blessings,” Ensign, May 1987, 36
James 5:14 Is any asick among you? let him call for the belders of the church; and let them cpray over him, danointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:
D&C 68: 4 And whatsoever they shall speak when moved upon by the aHoly Ghost shall be scripture, shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the word of the Lord, shall be the voice of the Lord, and the bpower of God unto salvation.
I don't know if you want comments or not -- obviously this kind of a blog is more deeply personal. But this was such a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing from you heart. :)
ReplyDeleteI welcome all comments! Thank you for taking the time to read it. Obviously I'm not as concerned with this blog helping others, as it is for me that I do this one. However if it does impact someone else, that just increases my pleasure in it.